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Different types of oilfield equipment and their benefits

· oilfield equipment


Oilfields are places where oil is extracted from the oil wells present in the earth's crust. As Petroleum is one of the most essential products in today's world, the process of extracting oil from the wells is not easy.   

It depends on the latest technology. Forthe same purpose, oilfield equipment suppliers supply different pieces of equipment. Further, we are going todiscuss different types of oilfield equipment.  

 Drilling rigs  

Drilling rigs are one of the mostimportant pieces of equipment on oil fields. They are also the largest equipment that can be found on an oilfield. The shape of drilling rigs is similar to a tower.    

They are directly inserted into the earth and get to the point of the oil reserve. A drilling rig is not movable enough,so it is permanently placed on an oilfield. Without drilling rigs, the work canbe stopped.    

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Solid control equipment    

Quality control equipment, as the name suggests, is used to get rid of solid particles on the oilfield. The solid particles can be dust, debris, large rocks, elements from the raw oil, hardparts of the soil, etc.    

The solid control equipment is built in away that it can deal with complex and large particles. This is why they include centrifuges, de-gassers, and de-sanders as additional appliances in the equipment.    

People working in oil fields know the importance of solid control equipment. When it works at its total efficiency,it can prove to be the most beneficial equipment on an oilfield.  

Trucks used in oil fields  

There are specific types of trucks thatare used in oil fields. You cannot use a truck moving on the road to do the work of an oilfield.    

The oil field trucks are made specifically to perform large tasks that cannot be performed by human labour orany other equipment. They can perform multiple jobs depending on the design and their ability to do the task.    

There are different types of oil field trucks. The most common types of oilfield trucks are winch trucks and vacuum trucks. The winch truck performs the task of moving bulky and large articles from one place to another. A vacuum truck is used to move liquids and sludgy particles from one place to another.    

If you're looking for oilfield equipment suppliers in UAE, youmay prefer going to FanaTech Engineering as they provide good quality and reliable oilfield products.